Arkansas Engineer

The magazine of the University of Arkansas College of Engineering

Joseph Sirrianni, BS 2016, is also an Honors College graduate

Why did you choose the U of A?

The U of A has a very lovely campus and was the perfect size for me. Coming from Texas, a lot of universities there had massive class sizes, so it really nice to some smaller classes to go to here.

Why did you choose your major/focus?

Computer Science was something that I had been doing in high school. I really liked how you could create something that actually worked in real time, as opposed to solving problems only theoretically. Once I met the staff and professors and saw all that they had to offer, the choice practically made itself.

What are your future plans and how did you college experience help shape them?

I plan on continuing my education here at the U of A by pursing a Ph.D. in computer science. Because of the research opportunities that the University provided I was able to discover my interest in it.  I am really looking forward to remaining here on campus and exploring the specifics of the field.

Do you have any words of wisdom for your fellow students?

My best advice for doing well in school (and in many other areas as well) is to plan your schedule in advance. When you get assigned homework or something, figure out when you are going to work on it. Even if you decide to do it five minutes before class, just getting in the practice of deciding when you’ll do it will really help you later on when you have assignments that take a long time. I’d credit most of my academic career to good time management.

Tell us something unusual, surprising, or fun about yourself

I really like to knit! I think it is super fun and relaxing. Also, you get nice knit goods after you finish something.