Though we are all very happy for Dean Saxena, the university and the College of Engineering already miss him. In the nine years he was dean, Saxena used his insight and leadership skills to accomplish great things, many of which are listed below.
In addition to the accomplishments resulting from his leadership of the college, Saxena modeled what he expected from the faculty in teaching, research, and service. Saxena continued to teach, direct graduate student research, publish his research, and serve the profession. Internationally renowned for his research contributions in time-dependent fracture mechanics, Saxena’s research resulted in new standards being established by the American Society for Testing and Materials. His awards and recognitions in the past 8 years included the Wohler Fatigue Medal (2010) from the European Structural Integrity Society, Fracture Mechanics Medal (2009) from the Committee E08 of ASTM International, election to the Fellowship of the International Congress on Fracture (2009) and a Best Paper Award at the Twelfth International Congress on Fracture (2009).
Saxena will be remembered most for elevating the sights of all who are associated with the college–faculty, staff, students, and alumni. In just nine years, he truly transformed the college.