Arkansas Engineer

The magazine of the University of Arkansas College of Engineering

  1. What is your major and what made you choose that field of study?

    Civil Engineering; always intrigued by the infrastructure when traveling to large cities. I wanted to learn how to design such massive infrastructure and understand how it operated.

  2. What has been your favorite experience as an engineering student?

    Too many to choose from. I guess presenting my undergraduate research at a conference in Italy.

  3. What is your dream job?

    Working in NYC as a geotechnical engineer

  4. What year do you expect to graduate?

    I graduate with my master’s in Spring 2017

  5. What did you have for breakfast this morning?

    Nothing, not a breakfast person (plus no time for that!)

  6. You recently participated in the National Geowall Competition. What was your experience like?

    Very exciting getting to network with professionals in the consulting inducts as well as in academia. It is also fun to network with other students from different universities. It is interesting to see how every student group participating has a different idea for the optimal solution for the competition. No two groups have the exact same design for the competition. You look around at all the different designs and wonder which design will be the best for the given competition. Then it’s fun to see which design actually works the best compared to who you imagined would win.

  7. Has there been a standout professor or advisor that has inspired you during your time here at Arkansas?

    Of course! My advisor, Dr. Michelle Bernhardt. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her generous efforts to make me a better student every day. She has taught me more than just technical engineering, but life lessons as well.

  8. Do you have any words of wisdom for other engineering students?

    Hard work pays off in the end. I try to live by that every day.

  9. Anything else you’d like to tell us about?

    Getting involved in student organizations/groups/volunteering is just as important as grades and school life.